Supporting LGBT+ Organizations in Eastern Europe

The Coalition operates as a platform to support civil society organizations from Eastern Europe and as a leading advocate and resource center on an international scale.

The mission of our


To ensure security, support resilience and sustainable development of local LGBT+ communities and to build bridges for solidarity in the Eastern European region and internationally.


In 2014, a non-formal coalition was established under the name of the Eastern European Coalition.

This initiative, spearheaded by the RFSL organization and supported by several other organizations spanning the Eastern European countries, marked the beginning of a concerted effort to advance LGBT+ rights and equality in the region.

In 2021, this Coalition was officially registered and became known as the Eastern European Coalition for LGBT+ Equality. 

The Coalition operates as a platform to support civil society organizations from Eastern Europe and as a leading advocate and resource center on an international scale.

Our objectives


To ensure a holistic representation and advocacy for the rights of LGBT + people in Eastern Europe on the international level.


To support sustainable development of LGBT+ organizations in the region.

Institutional capacity

To develop institutional capacity, credibility, visibility and sustainability of the member organizations of the Coalition.

We trusted by our community